The darker side of development: Addressing power dynamics within development

The darker side of development: Addressing power dynamics within development

Photo Credit: Martin Wheeler/Getty Images

Does the development community effectively discuss and address power dynamics? In this episode, I sit down with Paul O’Brien, Vice President for Policy and Advocacy of Oxfam America, to discuss the uses of power within international development, policy and institutions.

We explore the four types of power, discuss the currency of power within the world of development and talk about how even those programs and organizations that practice do no harm inevitably take risks that can be harmful.

This conversation is part of this year’s theme for A Deeper Look podcast, where we are exploring the darker side of development — the paradoxes and unintended consequences that surround international development efforts. You can listen to the episode on iTunes, SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts. I invite you to subscribe and join the conversation by leaving a comment, submitting a rating or sharing this episode on social media.

Read the transcript.

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