NGOs and the UN: Collaborating for global good

As an international human development organization dedicated to addressing some of the world’s most enduring challenges, FHI 360 is committed to helping to create an environment where all individuals and communities have the opportunity to reach their highest potential. It is this vision that inspires us to have a voice in global policy discussions on the issues important to our work and mission. To that end, FHI 360 is pleased to have been recently granted general consultative status from the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), a unique opportunity for nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to interact with global leaders.

ECOSOC is the principal entity that coordinates the economic, social and related work for the 14 United Nations specialized agencies, functional commissions and five regional commissions. It serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues, and for formulating policy recommendations addressed to Member States and the United Nations system.

Consultative status benefits both NGOs and the UN. This collaboration allows the UN to secure advice and information from organizations with special expertise in their areas of interest, while also enabling organizations to express their views and opinions on an international stage.

With general consultative status, NGOs have the ability to:

  • Provide data and expert analysis directly from the field
  • Help monitor and implement international agreements
  • Raise public awareness of relevant issues
  • Play a major role in advancing the UN’s goals and objectives
  • Contribute information to and make statements at UN events
  • Enter the United Nations premises

May is the last month for NGOs to apply for ECOSOC consultative status in order to be considered by the 2014 NGO Committee. For more information about ECOSOC consultative status, go to To apply, please click here.

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