The future of global development: Civil society and collaboration

The future of global development: Civil society and collaboration

Photo Credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images

I recorded this episode of A Deeper Look podcast with Sam Worthington, Chief Executive Officer of InterAction, before the World Health Organization had declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. But, the crisis amplifies the relevance and urgency of the themes we discussed in this episode.

Sam highlights trends that will shape this decade, including the emergence of fragile states as the epicenter of extreme poverty in the world, the impact of climate change and its effects on the most vulnerable and the concerning rise of nationalism and isolationism. We discuss the role of women in bringing about positive change, the evolution and impact of civil society and the concept of localization.

At the end of each podcast, I ask each of my guests a question: Does the future make you optimistic or pessimistic? Sam’s response is especially relevant as countries around the world face one of modern history’s greatest crises:

“Even if you go into the most complex environments, and whether it’s war zones or refugee camps or [the] very difficult height of the AIDS pandemic around the world, even in those circumstances, you will always find human beings who are at their best, individuals who are trying to change the situation that they are in, and individuals who are acting to improve the human condition and succeed in doing so. And part of our challenge is a decision on what do we focus on. Do we focus on what is breaking things, or do we focus on the building?”

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Read the transcript.

1 Response

One Response to “The future of global development: Civil society and collaboration”

  1. Tambudzai Tenesi on

    As a result of all this there are many changes which will affect societies .The rate of poverty might increase and people isolating themselves