Keeping male contraceptive research front and center

Keeping male contraceptive research front and center

Photo Credit: Jessica Scranton/FHI 360

Developing a new male contraceptive might seem like a daunting challenge. But, novel approaches, identification of new genetic targets and more expansive research on acceptability could lead to the development of a game-changing male contraceptive in our lifetime. In recognition of World Contraception Day 2016 (September 26), we are pleased to share this five-part blog series, Keeping Male Contraceptive Research Front and Center. In this series, the Contraceptive Technology Innovation (CTI) Exchange brought together experts in the field to discuss the state of the science. Over the next several months, the CTI Exchange will continue hosting other guest authors who will offer insights on this subject. The CTI Exchange is a knowledge-sharing portal managed by FHI 360 experts.  

Beyond Condoms and Vasectomies: What’s Happening in Male Contraceptive Research
Written by Gregory S. Kopf, PhD, Director, Research and Development, Contraceptive Technology Innovation, FHI 360

It Takes Two: How Men Fit into Expanding the Method Mix
Written by Rebecca Callahan, PhD, Scientist, FHI 360 and Dominick Shattuck, PhD, Senior Research Officer, Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University

New Male Contraceptives: What’s in the Near-term Pipeline?
Written by John K. Amory, MD, MPH and William J. Bremner, MD, PhD, University of Washington

Genetic and Small Molecule Advances Bode Well for Male Contraceptive Development
Written by Julio M. Castañeda, PhD and Martin M. Matzuk, MD, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine

Making New Male Contraceptives a Reality
Written by Gregory S. Kopf, PhD, Director, Research and Development, Contraceptive Technology Innovation, FHI 360

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